Thursday, February 28, 2013

Internet Addiction Treatments Around the Globe

The treatment of Internet addiction in the United States is very similar to how doctors would treat someone who has a substance abuse addiction. The most common practice focuses on trying to replace the damaging behavior, in this case using the Internet, with a more positive or productive behavior. Something along the lines of reading a new book instead of playing an online game. But what are the methods of other countries in treating Internet addiction?

As we discussed in the presentation Korea has not only the highest number of teenagers with an Internet addiction problem, but Korea also has the fastest growing rate of Internet addiction among its population. So I did some research on how the government is handling the growing issue. After the failing of a recently issued law banning children under the age of 16 from playing online games between midnight and six AM, Korea has decided to make kids go to horse therapy. Studies found the physical and emotional connection formed between the child and horse help the addict forget about using the Internet and focus more on taking care of the horse and increasing their horseback riding skills. Treating Internet addiction via horse therapy has been so successful for Korea that they have decided to expand from two treatment centers, to thirty by the end of 2022 to meet the growing demand.

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  1. I find it interesting that South Korea use horses as a source of the therapy. But how did go about deciding to use a horse and not any other animal? And do you think this therapy would help Internet addiction in the US? -Jackie Som

    1. Honestly the most logical reason to using a horse is that they require so much time and effort to take care of them, and also in learning how to ride/train them. I think that using this therapy in the states would be very beneficial and I wouldn't doubt seeing treatment centers like this emerging soon. -Austin Oys

  2. This is very interesting to me. I have heard of similar therapy approaches where they give an addict a live animal, in this case being a horse, to give them responsibility and to have their mind focus on other things other than what they are addicted to. From what I have read regarding this treatment approach, it has been widely used, accepted and promoted due to its success. I like the question Jackie poses, which is why did they chose a horse instead of a different creature.

    Something that I question however is whether the government is doing enough to solve this growing issue. I believe they should tackle the problem head on by attacking the source. What's the source? I would say there is not enough activities/organizations around the youth in Korea to entertain them. I have heard from many sources (i.e: close family friends and family business partners) that there is not much to do in Korea for the younger crowd. This then causes Korean kids to almost live a virtual life, where they can do anything they want in a virtual world. Providing them an escape of their societal barriers keeps them returning to the internet. Therefore, Korea should invest more in their youth and promote more internet-free activities.

    1. Tyler,

      I also agree with your point in attacking the source head on. The Korean government actually tried to control the amount of time the youth were spending playing online games by making a law that didn't allow teens to access the internet gaming sites during certain times of the day. That approach failed and then the horse therapy ensued. I also agree with not having more activities for the teams, but it is a completely different culture then here in the states, especially with all the new technology. I think the biggest issue the government has with monitoring the usage is just the simple fact of how wide and broad the problem is. -Austin Oys

  3. I think it's very interesting that Korea is using horse therapy to combat internet addiction. I've heard of different forms of this method used in substance and alcohol abuse cases and can see how this therapy has excellent results.

    I do agree with Tyler's point that maybe there is a bigger problem which requires a bigger solution. With the internet being used in virtually every aspect of our lives it is easy to see that this addiction is a growing problem in our society and perhaps there needs to be tighter restrictions on internet usage by children. Whatever the solution, I think that every government should take a look at what it can do to prevent internet addiction from occurring and to help those struggling.

    -Meaghann Smith

    1. I couldn't agree with you more Meaghann. I do think that speaking about the problem compared to finding solutions to fix it are two different tasks. As a county we have been trying to prevent substance abuse for decades, but we use pills and more medicine, so are we really helping or making it worse? -Austin Oys
