What else can technology bring us?
Yes, we all know that Internet is the greatest creation, a phenomenal achievement.
However, how could I forget the days I used to go to Blockbuster to rent a movie I wanted watch, I waited until the movie was available or the long lines I used to do to pay for it. Well all those moments are gone with the introduction of Netflix's unlimited streaming service, an American provider of on-demand Internet streaming media and over 26 million subscribers worldwide.
This service let us watch countless movies, documentaries, or TV shows whenever we want; even more, watch them as many times we want to. As a matter of fact, once you become member, you can have access to this service not only from a computer, but also from an Apple TV, tablet, smart phone, video game consoles such as Wii, XBox360, PlayStation 3, even more it could also be streamed on HD television. It's basically like being at the movie theater. As a result, this innovation has been created a horrendous Streaming Syndrome, where people spend endless hours watching their favorite TV shows or movies marathon. In fact, that is pretty much my case, I could spend days, watching "Sons of Anarchy", "Lost" & "Breaking Bad".
Here are some symptoms of this disease:
Insomnia brought on by watching every episode of a compelling series in a row at the expense of getting a good night's sleep.
Anti-social behavior as a result of staying in and making it a "Netflix night" rather than going out in public and seeing other human beings.
A gnawing impatience when you cannot watch what you want to watch when you want to watch it coupled with fits of rage when movies are not available for streaming and you must wait two whole days for an actual disc to arrive in a little red envelope in the mail.
In conclusion, if some of you are subscribed to Netflix you might be thinking that it's impossible to get addicted to it, but once you try it, it is very difficult to stop streaming your favorite shows, and for those of you that are not yet subscribed; better be careful.
Do you check your Netflix Queue more than four times per week?
Does your Netflix Queue have more than 200 movies? Do you plan to watch all 200 movies in the next year?
Do you watch the DVD the same day it arrives so you can send it back the next day?
Have you mailed a DVD back to Netflix from another person's house?
Netflix-Facebook,Netflix's questions,Symptoms,