As mentioned during our presentation, IUD affects some of the same areas of the brain that other serious addictions also affect. This gathered my attention so I decided to dig a little deeper to find out what areas exactly are being affected and how serious are the affects.
In a recent study doctors compared people who where diagnosed with IUD to people that weren't. What they found was more abnormal white matter in the people with IUD. White matter is found all over the Brain. It is mostly made of nerves and transmitters, the white matter is a pathway for feelings of self control, emotions, and a persons decision making skills. The abnormal areas in the persons with IUD mean that the feelings just mentioned were being tampered with or harmed. But what I find most interesting is that the abnormal white matter is also found in addicts dealing with meth, heroin, and cocaine. After finding out that IUD Brian damage is so close to the affects of other "serious" addictions, it makes me wonder if we are really taking IUD as serious as we need to be.
-Austin Oys
It is quite interesting to learn that IUD is just as serious as major drug addictions. I knew that using the internet excessively is harmful to you, but I had no idea the extent it had. I don't think the majority of people realize that obsessive use of the internet is comparable to doing meth or cocaine. I think the general population needs to be more educated on this subject.
ReplyDeleteWhen I read this blog it completely blew my mind. It is crazy to think that the internet has completely taken over our lives. In my opinion I think that all of us are addicted to the internet in some way. I know personally that I use the internet everyday and would be lost without it.
ReplyDeleteI used to use the Internet for hours everyday and once felt somewhat attached to it. I don't use it as much, usually now just for school purposes, but addiction never crossed my mind. The Internet is programmed into our daily lives between school, work ,and leisure that I don't think anyone thinks of it that way. After reading this blog, I agree maybe it should be looked at more closely.
ReplyDeleteThis is an interesting finding. I knew that the internet was addictive but I didn't think it could have an actual effect on the brain. The comparison of IUD to major drug addictions is incredible.
ReplyDeleteI think Internet Addiction Disorder is problematic, because the disorder can interfere with one’s real-life responsibilities and relationships. It can also affect a person’s health while it makes the brain change similarly to those under influence of alcohol and cocaine addiction. Internet Addiction Disorder shrinks the brain’s gray and white matter fibers which results in changes to emotional processing and brain functioning. The brain will continue to negatively transform, as long as the addiction continues.
ReplyDeleteUyen Pham
Very interesting to put IUD into prospective for other people that have never had to deal with it or know anyone who has. Most of us have encountered someone that has an addiction to cigarettes, alcohol etc. When we compare the two it makes us realize that this disorder is not something to be joked about. With the scientific research that you have provided with comparing the brains of those diagnosed with IUD and those addicted to drugs really allows the public to see that the Internet is their "drug."